In the City; Spanish for Travelers
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In the City; Spanish for Travelers

Length 60 min. Copyright 1973 $ 19.95
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Here's today's news about Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages (
Meli says: Meli speaks English and German, a little Spanish, and is learning hebrew. I have a life goal of speaking seven languages by the time I die.

Languages Forum (originally ####)
I have already reported that the Compuserve Foreign Languages Educational Forum, FLEFO, has become The Languages Forum. It appears that if you type FLEFO into a message there, the word is replaced by the Compuserve computer with #### (see thread...

XP for tablet PCs will run apps in eight languages
A forthcoming beta release of Microsoft Corp.Â’s multilingual software for tablet PCs lets users log on and run applications in multiple foreign languages.

Travel Tips: Learn Foreign Languages for Free
Most travelers wince at the thought of learning another language and entirely miss out on the benefits. Here is how to learn languages free and painlessly.

Susan Sun: Foreign languages boost life learning
The Ministry of Education is finally talking about making the learning of foreign languages compulsory in New Zealand's school curriculum. Judging from the mostly positive response so far from both the public and educational circles - the Educational I

Scots 'non' to languages will make people poorer
SCOTLAND'S arrogance and woeful record in teaching foreign languages has made it the laughing stock of Europe and threatens the economy, academics and businessmen warned last night.

The Liberal Arts and You: Foreign Language
In refusing to allow foreign languages to be taught in high school, an Arkansas school superintendent let slip his own ignorance, "If English was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for you."

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