Here's today's news about Sex Education
Sex Education Plan Stirs Controversy Sex education is almost always controversial and in taking on Montgomery County's sex education plan which includes discussion of homosexuality and condoms.
Cardinal attacks councils' sex education 'agenda' THE leader of Scotland's Catholics will today reignite the debate over sex education in schools by accusing some health boards and councils of "pushing an agenda" that runs contrary to Christian teaching.
Sex Education: Needs, Programs and Policies Slide presentation. "Sex Education: Needs, Programs and Policies" brings together the latest research and analysis on sex education in the United States and its effectiveness in preventing unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among teenagers.
Paper urges parents to support sex education PARENTS have been urged to welcome the Education MinistryÂ’s proposal to incorporate the national guidelines on sex education into the school curriculum.
Backing for sex-ed in Primary ... Backing for sex-ed in Primary schools Sexual Health Experts in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire are backing plans to give kids as young as 10 sex education.Comment
Groups Challenges School's Sex Education Policy The groups challenging the new sex education program in the Montgomery County schools will get a federal court hearing this morning in Greenbelt, Md.
NOW Opposes Single-Sex Public Education as 'Separate and Unequal' Tomorrow the Department of Education will release new Title IX regulations easing restrictions on single-sex education in public schools.