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It's a Mean Old World and Born in The Blues

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It's a Mean Old World and Born in The Blues

Present compelling portraits of two traditional black musicians: Rev. Pearly Brown, a bottleneck guitarist and gospel singer; and Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup, a famous blues artist for over three decades. Despite the different sources of inspiration for their music, both had in common a touching eloquence in their singing and playing, and , as evident in these films, a dignity and strength of character that was not crushed by the hard lives they led.

13-4462 Length 65 min. Copyright 1995 $ 19.95

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Offer films which capture and preserve aspects of America's vanishing culture, often featuring musicians performing within the context of the way of life that shaped their music. These films document everyday life in different locales, from the backwoods and small town to the big city, and provide an intimate portrait of a down-to-earth way of life that's passing too quickly.
Product ID Qty Format Title Price
13-4461 sold out VHS Singing Stream: A Black Family Chronicle 19.95

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