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Documentary & History

     American History & Battles

13-4725 .900 Fine: The Story of the Carson City Silver Dollar 28 min. $ 12.95
13-8285 Abraham Lincoln: Emancipation Proclamation 25 min. $ 39.95
13-4516 Alamo 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4094 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Civil War 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4085 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: End of the Trail 60 min. $ 99.95
13-4081 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Great War 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4086 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Innocent Years 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4083 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Jazz Age 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4082 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Journals of Lewis & Clark 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4088 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Life in the Thirties 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4087 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Mark Twain's America 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4090 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Meet George Washington 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4089 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Not So Long Ago 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4080 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Real West 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4093 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: That War Korea 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4091 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Victory At Sea 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4084 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: West of Charles Russell 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4092 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: Will Rogers 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4095 AMERICA - A LOOK BACK: ZZAmerica: A Look Back-15 Volume Set 15 Hours $ 995.00
13-0008 America Grows Up (1850-1900's) 50 min. $ 64.95
13-4183 America's Castles 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4927 America's Military Museums 45 min. $ 29.95
13-8077 America, the Way We Were - Three Volume Set 180 min. $ 69.95
13-4076 AMERICA: Arsenal 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4072 AMERICA: Domesticating a Wilderness 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4071 AMERICA: Firebell in the Night 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4077 AMERICA: First Impact 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4070 AMERICA: Gone West 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4067 AMERICA: Home Away From Home 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4074 AMERICA: Huddled Masses 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4069 AMERICA: Inventing a Nation 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4068 AMERICA: Making a Revolution 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4073 AMERICA: Money on the Land 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4078 AMERICA: More Abundant Life 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4066 AMERICA: New Found Land 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4075 AMERICA: Promise Fulfilled & Promise Broken 52 min. $ 99.95
13-4079 AMERICA: ZZAmerica: 13 Volume Set 780 min. $ 595.00
13-4217 American Covenant: The Untold Story 52 min. $ 19.95
13-4448 American History: Civil War 21 min. $ 29.95
13-4449 American History: Navy - War of 1812 21 min. $ 29.95
13-4721 AMERICAN INDIAN VIDEOS: Hopi: Corn is Life 20 min. $ 19.95
13-4867 AMERICAN INDIAN VIDEOS: Navajo: An Ancient Gift 20 min. $ 19.95
13-8152 American Nostalgia 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4515 American Revolution 300 min. $ 79.95
13-4338 American Woman - Portraits of Courage 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4845 Antique Farm Tractors 60 min. $ 19.95
13-0422 Attack and Reprisal 52 min. $ 39.95
13-4462 BACKROADS AND BYWAYS: It's a Mean Old World and Born in The Blues 65 min. $ 19.95
13-4461 BACKROADS AND BYWAYS: Singing Stream: A Black Family Chronicle 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4852 Battle 45 min. $ 19.95
13-4505 Battle of the Alamo 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4739 Battles of the Civil War 180 min. $ 24.98
13-4006 Before the Industrial Revolution 16 min. $ 44.95
13-4000 Buffalo Soldiers 47 min. $ 19.95
13-4581 Civil War 90 min. $ 9.95
13-0152 Civil War 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4221 Civil War Journal I 660 min. $ 99.95
13-4339 Civil War Journal II 300 min. $ 99.95
13-5708 Civil War Photographers & Gettysburg: The Final Fury Double Pack 73 min. $ 14.98
13-4582 Civil War: Struggle for Freedom 82 min. $ 9.95
13-4584 Civil War: Tactics & Armaments 90 min. $ 9.95
13-5041 Civil War: The Fiery Trail 35 min. $ 9.95
13-8085 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Basketmaking in Colonial Williamsburg 28 min. $ 24.95
13-8096 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Chelsea Porcelain from the Williamsburg Collection 22 min. $ 24.95
13-8099 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Christmas in Colonial Williamsburg 28 min. $ 24.95
13-8097 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Colonial Clothing 17 min. $ 24.95
13-8086 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Colonial Naturalist 55 min. $ 24.95
13-8087 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Cooper's Craft 28 min. $ 24.95
13-8101 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Doorway to the Past 28 min. $ 24.95
13-8100 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Flower Arrangements of Williamsburg 30 min. $ 24.95
13-8102 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Forged in Wood: Building Anderson's Blacksmith Shop 32 min. $ 24.95
13-8098 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Glorious System of Things 58 min. $ 24.95
13-8089 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Gunsmith of Williamsburg 59 min. $ 24.95
13-8088 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Hammerman in Williamsburg 37 min. $ 24.95
13-8095 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Music of Williamsburg 40 min. $ 24.95
13-8103 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Musical Instrument Maker of Williamsburg 53 min. $ 24.95
13-8094 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Search for a Century 45 min. $ 24.95
13-8090 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Silversmith of Williamsburg 44 min. $ 24.95
13-8093 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Williamsburg File 45 min. $ 24.95
13-8091 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Williamsburg Sampler 28 min. $ 24.95
13-8092 COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: Williamsburg: The Story of a Patriot 36 min. $ 24.95
13-4580 Confederate Heroes of Gettysburg 90 min. $ 9.95
13-8011 Contrasts 48 min. $ 29.95
13-4957 Cuban Missile Crisis: A Spy Talks 45 min. $ 19.95
13-8012 Custer's Last Fight 45 min. $ 24.95
13-8141 Custer's Last Trooper 47 min. $ 19.95
13-4121 Dawn's Early Light: A Brief Story of America's Liberty 28 min. $ 19.95
13-5775 Day They Bombed Pearl Harbor 30 min. $ 9.98
13-0337 Dealers in Death 60 min. $ 19.95
13-9035 December 7: The Movie 82 min. $ 19.95
13-4583 Diary of a Confederate Soldier 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4609 DIVIDED UNION: Divided Union - Volume 1: Forward to Sumter 52 min. $ 29.99
13-4610 DIVIDED UNION: Divided Union - Volume 2: Bloody Stalemate 52 min. $ 29.99
13-4611 DIVIDED UNION: Divided Union - Volume 3: High Tide of the Confederacy 52 min. $ 29.99
13-4612 DIVIDED UNION: Divided Union - Volume 4: Total War 52 min. $ 29.99
13-4613 DIVIDED UNION: Divided Union - Volume 5: Conclusion at Appomattox 52 min. $ 29.99
13-4614 DIVIDED UNION: Divided Union: Five Tape Boxed Set 260 min. $ 149.95
13-4793 Edmund Fitzgerald: Past & Present 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4450 Fall of Saigon 90 min. $ 19.95
13-0320 Few Men Well-Conducted: The George Rogers Clark Story 25 min. $ 24.95
13-4352 Fighting Men: The Green Berets 53 min. $ 29.95
13-4937 Forts of the Santa Fe Trail: West to Santa Fe 40 min. $ 19.95
13-8010 Good Day to Die 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4608 Great American Craftsmen, Volume 1: Mochaware 30 min. $ 24.95
13-8148 Great Indian Wars 1840-1890 96 min. $ 16.95
13-4211 GUNS OF THE CIVIL WAR: Guns of the Civil War 170 min. $ 69.95
13-8150 HEADLINE STORIES OF THE CENTURY: America in the News 90 min. $ 29.95
13-8151 HEADLINE STORIES OF THE CENTURY: World War II 90 min. $ 29.95
13-0041 Hearts and Minds 112 min. $ 19.98
13-4112 In God They Trusted 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4343 In Service to America: A History of Women in the Military 60 min. $ 29.95
13-0419 Independence 30 min. $ 19.95
13-2677 Independence: Birth of a Free Nation, Philadelphia 1774-1800 28 min. $ 24.95
13-4171 Jesse James 30 min. $ 16.95
13-4842 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: 50 Great Years in American Military History 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4953 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: America's Explorers and Pioneers 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4946 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: Declaration of Independence 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4843 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: Fun Facts of American History 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4841 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: Great American State Quiz 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4955 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: Industrial Revolution 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4948 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: Little Known Facts of American History 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4844 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: Our American Landscape 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4947 JUST THE FACTS LEARNING: Understanding the Government - The Executive Branch 50 min. $ 24.95
13-0050 Last Full Measure 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4249 Listening to America, 20 Years with Bill Moyers 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4851 Living History the Civil War 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4514 Mary Jane Colter: The Desert View 53 min. $ 24.95
13-4723 Medal Maker, Master Sculptor Laura Gardin Fraser 30 min. $ 29.95
13-4853 Nation's Broken Soul 40 min. $ 19.95
13-4896 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Exploring the West 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4898 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Gold Rush and Gun Fights 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4897 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Grant and Sherman 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4895 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Path to Independence 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4838 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Robert E. Lee Country 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4900 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Roots of American Entertainment 50 min. $ 19.95
13-0007 Opening the West (1860-1900) 50 min. $ 64.95
32-4632 Oregon Trail: Beginnings $ 19.95
13-4463 Out of Ireland: Story of Irish Emigration to America 111 min. $ 19.95
13-4859 Peace Through Unity 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4956 Plot to Kill Lincoln 52 min. $ 29.95
13-4404 Portraits In Black 60 min. $ 29.95
13-8368 Portraits of the American Presidents 210 min. $ 59.95
13-4726 Presidential Limousines 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4870 Prohibition Era 150 min. $ 39.95
13-6188 Proudly We Hail 52 min. $ 9.95
13-8297 Quest for the Monitor 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4386 Question of Equality 240 min. $ 59.95
13-4174 Real Godfathers 30 min. $ 16.95
13-8014 Red Sunday 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4345 REDISCOVER AMERICA'S STATE CAPITALS: United States Capitals & States, Volume 1 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4346 REDISCOVER AMERICA'S STATE CAPITALS: United States Capitals & States, Volume 2 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4347 REDISCOVER AMERICA'S STATE CAPITALS: United States Capitals & States, Volume 3 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4348 REDISCOVER AMERICA'S STATE CAPITALS: United States Capitals & States, Volume 4 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4597 Revolutionary War 100 min. $ 9.95
13-4719 REVOLUTIONARY WAR: Revolutionary War, Three Volume Set 300 min. $ 49.95
13-4510 REVOLUTIONARY WAR: Revolutionary War, Volume I 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4511 REVOLUTIONARY WAR: Revolutionary War, Volume II 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4512 REVOLUTIONARY WAR: Revolutionary War, Volume III 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4783 Rich in America 100 min. $ 29.95
13-0004 Roots of Democracy (1700's) 50 min. $ 64.95
13-4854 Shades of Blue & Gray 30 min. $ 19.95
13-9685 SMITHSONIAN'S GREAT BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War, Volume 1 60 min. $ 29.95
13-9686 SMITHSONIAN'S GREAT BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War, Volume 2 60 min. $ 29.95
13-9687 SMITHSONIAN'S GREAT BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War, Volume 3 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4262 SMITHSONIAN'S GREAT BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War, Volume 4 73 min. $ 29.95
13-9688 SMITHSONIAN'S GREAT BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War, Volume 5 63 min. $ 29.95
13-9689 SMITHSONIAN'S GREAT BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War, Volume 6 95 min. $ 29.95
13-9690 SMITHSONIAN'S GREAT BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War, Volume 7 86 min. $ 29.95
13-5802 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Adolf Hitler 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4829 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Civil War 37 min. $ 19.98
13-5805 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Douglas MacArthur 60 min. $ 19.95
13-5801 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Dwight D. Eisenhower 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4383 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Famous Women: From Suffragette to Senator 56 min. $ 19.98
13-5807 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Franklin D. Roosevelt 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4381 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Gerald Ford 55 min. $ 19.98
13-5808 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Harry S. Truman 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4380 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Jimmy Carter 55 min. $ 19.98
13-5803 SPEECHES COLLECTION: John F. Kennedy 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4382 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Lyndon B. Johnson 57 min. $ 19.98
13-4831 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Malcolm X 41 min. $ 19.98
13-5804 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Martin Luther King, Jr. 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4378 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Nelson Mandela 70 min. $ 19.98
13-4828 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Our Founding Fathers & The American Revolution 40 min. $ 19.98
13-5806 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Richard Nixon 60 min. $ 19.95
13-5809 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Robert F. Kennedy 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4379 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Ronald Reagan 69 min. $ 19.98
13-4830 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Sitting Bull 35 min. $ 19.98
13-4170 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Speeches of Abraham Lincoln 45 min. $ 19.95
13-5800 SPEECHES COLLECTION: Winston Churchill 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4215 Story of America's Liberty 65 min. $ 19.95
13-4907 TRINITY AND BEYOND: Atomic Bomb Movie, The: Special Director's Cut 120 min. $ 24.95
13-4888 TRINITY AND BEYOND: Atomic Filmmakers, The: Behind the Scenes 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4872 True Story of Major General Thomas F. Meagher and the Irish Brigade 30 min. $ 12.95
13-5755 Turbulent End To A Tragic War: America's Final Hours 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4901 Tuskegee Airmen: American Heroes! 50 min. $ 29.95
13-4579 Union Heroes of Gettysburg 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4724 United States Treasury Presents "The Keys to the Treasury" 34 min. $ 12.95
13-1847 Vietnam Experience 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4301 Vietnam Gift Set 600 min. $ 139.98
13-4300 Vietnam: A Chronicle of War 90 min. $ 19.98
13-0089 Vietnam: In the Year of the Pig 103 min. $ 39.95
13-4236 Vietnam: Reflections Then and Now 45 min. $ 29.95
13-0090 Vietnam: Remember! 60 min. $ 39.95
13-2485 Vietnam: The Air War 30 min. $ 24.95
13-0362 Vietnam: The Secret Agent 60 min. $ 29.95
13-0361 Vietnam: Time of the Locust 60 min. $ 29.95
13-0363 Vietnam: War at Home 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4599 Virtual 60's, 3-Pack $ 39.95
13-4887 Voyage of La Amistad: A Quest for Freedom 70 min. $ 9.99
13-0005 War Between the States (1800's) 50 min. $ 64.95
13-0010 Warring and Roaring (1914-1929) 50 min. $ 64.95
13-4902 West Point Story 110 min. $ 29.95
13-4241 YESTERYEAR WITH DICK CAVETT: Yesteryear 1917 42 min. $ 14.95
13-4242 YESTERYEAR WITH DICK CAVETT: Yesteryear 1924 42 min. $ 14.95
13-4243 YESTERYEAR WITH DICK CAVETT: Yesteryear 1927 42 min. $ 14.95
13-4244 YESTERYEAR WITH DICK CAVETT: Yesteryear 1933 42 min. $ 14.95
13-4246 YESTERYEAR WITH DICK CAVETT: Yesteryear 1942 42 min. $ 14.95
13-4247 YESTERYEAR WITH DICK CAVETT: Yesteryear 1947 42 min. $ 14.95
13-4248 YESTERYEAR WITH DICK CAVETT: Yesteryear 1969 42 min. $ 14.95

     Current Events

13-4297 60 Minutes - 25 Years 95 min. $ 19.98
13-8314 90's: America-Life, Liberty And... 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8317 90's: Anti-War Tapes 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8312 90's: Bar Talk 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8313 90's: Food: You Are What You Eat 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8311 90's: It's Only TV 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8310 90's: Money, Money, Money 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8319 90's: Prisoners: Rights & Wrongs 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8315 90's: Race & Racism: Red, White & Black 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8318 90's: Street-Music And People 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8316 90's: Video Kids 60 min. $ 19.95
22-4628 Allure of Rock Revisited: An Introduction to the Dangers of Rock-N-Roll 60 min. $ 19.95
22-4031 Allure of Rock: An Introduction to the Dangers of Rock-N-Roll 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4200 American Cowboy 60 min. $ 16.95
14-2144 An Evening of Choices for the Future 49 min. $ 29.95
13-4187 ANCIENT MYSTERIES: NEW INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNSOLVED: Ark of the Covenant 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4400 ANCIENT MYSTERIES: NEW INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNSOLVED: Enigma of the Dead Sea Scrolls 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4332 ANCIENT MYSTERIES: NEW INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNSOLVED: Hidden City of Petra 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4398 ANCIENT MYSTERIES: NEW INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNSOLVED: Pompeii: Buried Alive 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4403 ANCIENT MYSTERIES: NEW INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNSOLVED: Quest for the Holy Lance 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4402 ANCIENT MYSTERIES: NEW INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNSOLVED: Shadow of the Templars 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4189 ANCIENT MYSTERIES: NEW INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNSOLVED: Witchcraft In America 50 min. $ 19.95
13-1864 Animals Film 120 min. $ 79.95
13-8345 Battered 56 min. $ 99.95
13-4212 Brutal Truth 28 min. $ 24.95
13-0216 Buster and Me 23 min. $ 24.95
13-4184 CIA: The Secret Files 200 min. $ 59.95
13-2388 Come Back, Africa 83 min. $ 29.95
13-2315 Confessions of Bernhard Goetz 80 min. $ 39.95
13-8348 Convicts on the Street: One Year on Parole 60 min. $ 99.95
13-0222 Crossroads of Time 62 min. $ 39.95
13-0210 Dark Circle 90 min. $ 39.95
13-4542 DAVID FROST'S HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY: Fame and Foible 96 min. $ 39.95
13-4546 DAVID FROST'S HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY: Love and Romance 48 min. $ 19.95
13-4545 DAVID FROST'S HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY: Our Deepest Fears 96 min. $ 39.95
13-4543 DAVID FROST'S HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY: Royalty 96 min. $ 39.95
13-4544 DAVID FROST'S HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY: Spirit of Discovery 96 min. $ 39.95
13-4855 Demise of the Daniel J. Morrell 45 min. $ 39.95
13-0250 Destination Nicaragua 60 min. $ 49.95
13-4250 Dominic and the Skyscraper 79 min. $ 29.95
13-1827 Down and Out in America 60 min. $ 29.95
13-5749 Drugs: A Plague Upon The Land 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4466 Earthshaking Tattoos 60 min. $ 29.95
13-0212 Edge of History 28 min. $ 49.95
13-4323 End of Camelot 90 min. $ 19.95
13-4936 Everest: Collector's Three Volume Gift Boxed Set 170 min. $ 49.95
13-4229 Execution at Midnight: Death Row 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4502 Eyes in the Sky 100 min. $ 19.95
13-0251 Faces of War 38 min. $ 39.95
13-4782 Forgiven: The Charles "Tex" Watson Story 30 min. $ 15.99
13-4774 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: Collision Course: Three Whitefish Bay Shipwrecks 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4773 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: Collision of the Andrea Doria 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4216 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: Ghost Ships of Isle Royale 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4022 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: Mystery of the Edmund Fitzgerald 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4218 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: Rouse Simmons: The Christmas Tree Ship 35 min. $ 29.95
13-4220 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: S.S. Wisconsin: Shipwrecked Vessel 50 min. $ 29.95
13-4399 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: Who Wrote the Bible? 150 min. $ 29.95
13-4219 GHOST SHIPS OF THE GREAT LAKES: Wreck of the Car Ferry, Milwaukee 45 min. $ 29.95
13-8347 Guns: A Day in the Death of America 47 min. $ 99.95
13-4424 Harlem Diary: Nine Voices of Resilience 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4781 Hemp Revolution 75 min. $ 19.95
13-4227 HUD: America's Slumlord 50 min. $ 19.95
13-0434 In Our Defense 30 min. $ 39.95
13-0215 In the Nuclear Shadow: What Can the Children Tell Us. 25 min. $ 49.95
13-4349 IN TIMES PAST: Traveling In Style - Automobiles and Trolleys 69 min. $ 19.95
13-4350 IN TIMES PAST: Traveling in Style - Trains, Riverboats, and Planes 70 min. $ 19.95
13-4533 Jupiter's Wife 78 min. $ 24.95
13-4130 Kids' Cove 14 min. $ 19.95
13-0211 Last Epidemic 28 min. $ 49.95
13-4930 Millennium Bug's Deadliest Secret 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4111 MTV Examined 30 min. $ 19.95
13-8293 On Trial: The William Kennedy Smith Case 50 min. $ 29.98
13-4298 One For the Road With Charles Kuralt and Morley Safer 46 min. $ 19.98
13-4468 Police in Pursuit 43 min. $ 14.95
13-8346 Rape: Cries from the Heartland 45 min. $ 99.95
13-4961 REMEMBER September 11, 2001 25 min. $ 14.95
13-8039 Rodney King Case: What the Jury Saw 120 min. $ 24.95
13-2293 Sentenced for Life 40 min. $ 29.95
13-0439 Situation 30 min. $ 34.95
13-4540 Slave Trade in the World Today 90 min. $ 19.98
13-5121 Soviets, Meet Middle America! 30 min. $ 39.95
13-4501 Spies Above 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4185 Subway: The Empire Beneath New York's Streets 50 min. $ 19.95
13-5758 Terrorism: The New World War 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4469 Texas Rangers: Police... Stop or We'll Shoot 48 min. $ 14.95
13-4747 U.N.: Peacekeeping or Warmaking? 28 min. $ 24.95
13-4665 Vision of Hope, Preventing Violence 20 min. $ 24.95
13-6450 Wall: The Making And Breaking Of The Berlin Wall 50 min. $ 19.95
13-0213 What About the Russians? 26 min. $ 49.95
13-8066 Wise Use 58 min. $ 99.95
13-0214 Women: For America, For the World 28 min. $ 49.95
13-4791 Yitzhak Rabin: Seven Days in November 80 min. $ 29.95

     Famous People, Places & Events

13-4926 16 Royal Families 60 min. $ 29.95
13-5761 17 Days Of Terror: The Hijack of TWA 847 60 min. $ 24.98
13-4950 : Great Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium 90 min. $ 19.95
13-4541 Africa, Blood & Guts 90 min. $ 19.98
13-0226 Alcatraz 54 min. $ 29.95
13-8153 America in Sports 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4432 America's Castles II 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4471 America's Castles: Grand Tour 300 min. $ 99.95
13-4480 AMERICA'S MYSTERIOUS PLACES: Ancient America 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4479 AMERICA'S MYSTERIOUS PLACES: Historic Sites 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4568 AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: American Presidents 180 min. $ 39.99
13-4565 AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: John Fitzgerald Kennedy 60 min. $ 12.99
13-4567 AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: Life and Times of Ronald Reagan 60 min. $ 12.99
13-4566 AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: Nixon about Nixon 60 min. $ 12.99
13-0301 Bart LaRue's Ark of Noah 95 min. $ 39.95
13-4470 Beatles Story: Days of Beatlemania 1962-1970 60 min. $ 14.95
13-4493 Berlin: Journey of a City 57 min. $ 19.95
13-4920 Beyond Bataan: The George Rogers Story 56 min. $ 19.95
13-4762 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Buffalo Soldiers 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4763 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Jackie Robinson Story 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4767 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Jazz Ball 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4764 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Joe Louis Story 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4761 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Malcolm X 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4766 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Prince 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4765 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Roy Campanella Story 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4760 BLACK HERITAGE COLLECTION: Struggle for Freedom 60 min. $ 9.95
13-4863 Blind Willie's Blues 52 min. $ 30.00
13-4472 Bob Vila's Guide to Historic Homes 300 min. $ 59.95
13-4722 Bramwell 364 min. $ 89.95
13-4879 Breaking Through: Women in Science 30 min. $ 29.95
13-9153 Buckminster Fuller: Grandfather of the Future 25 min. $ 24.95
13-4737 Bugsy, Dutch and Al: The Gangsters 58 min. $ 19.95
13-4906 Burger Town 50 min. $ 19.95
13-8122 Buried in Ice 60 min. $ 14.95
13-4359 Cape May Victorians by the Sea 40 min. $ 29.95
13-4376 Chatsworth 147 min. $ 69.96
13-0028 Construction of the Hoover Dam 35 min. $ 24.95
13-4738 Conversation with Sri Chinmoy 87 min. $ 59.95
13-4635 Daley: The Last Boss 112 min. $ 19.95
13-9408 Declassified: The Plot to Kill President Kennedy 58 min. $ 19.95
13-0156 Disasters of the 20th Century 60 min. $ 19.95
13-2127 Earthquake: Disaster in L.A. 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4366 Edison's Miracle of Light 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4312 Edward R. Murrow: Best of Person to Person 90 min. $ 19.98
13-4313 Edward R. Murrow: Gift Set 378 min. $ 69.98
13-4464 Elvis: His Life and Times 90 min. $ 19.95
13-0034 Eruption of the Mt. St. Helens Volcano 30 min. $ 24.95
13-5754 Events That Shaped Our World 30 min. $ 9.98
13-4768 Evita: The Story of Eva Peron 55 min. $ 9.95
13-4122 Fabulous 60's - An Overview 49 min. $ 19.95
13-4459 FDR: FDR: Center of the World (1882-1921) 75 min. $ 19.95
13-4458 FDR: FDR: Fear Itself 75 min. $ 19.95
13-4457 FDR: FDR: Grandest Job in the World (1933-1939) 75 min. $ 19.95
13-4456 FDR: FDR: Juggler (1940-1945) 75 min. $ 19.95
13-4880 Fire Below Us: Remembering Mount St. Helens 68 min. $ 24.95
13-4878 Fire Mountain: The Eruption and Rebirth of Mount St. Helens 60 min. $ 29.95
13-5747 First Ladies 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4509 Forbidden City: The Great Within 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4629 Frank Lloyd Wright and The Story of the Guggenheim Museum: 1071 Fifth Avenue 55 min. $ 29.95
13-4415 Frederick Douglass, An American Life 31 min. $ 12.95
13-4410 French Gothic Architecture: Cathedrals 25 min. $ 29.95
13-0009 Game of Monopoly (1870-1914) 50 min. $ 64.95
13-4858 Gangsters 58 min. $ 19.95
13-4732 Gates of Jerusalem 125 min. $ 39.95
13-4411 Gaudi 25 min. $ 29.95
13-4473 George Gershwin Remembered 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4753 Gorbachev: A Man for the Ages 15 min. $ 14.95
13-4797 GREAT CENTURY: 1900-1918: A New World / Beyond the Front 110 min. $ 19.95
13-4798 GREAT CENTURY: 1918-1939: The Years of Jazz / Great Illusions 110 min. $ 19.95
13-4799 GREAT CENTURY: 1939-1958: Lost Paradise / Westwards, Eastwards 110 min. $ 19.95
13-4800 GREAT CENTURY: 1958-1980: New Wave / Peace and Love 110 min. $ 19.95
13-4801 GREAT CENTURY: 1980-1990: Solidarity 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4802 GREAT CENTURY: ZZGreat Century Collector's Set 495 min. $ 89.95
13-0317 Great Crimes of the Century 70 min. $ 39.95
13-4741 GREAT PALACES OF THE WORLD: Great Palaces of the World, Three Volume Set 300 min. $ 49.95
13-4506 GREAT PALACES OF THE WORLD: Great Palaces of the World, Volume I 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4507 GREAT PALACES OF THE WORLD: Great Palaces of the World, Volume II 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4508 GREAT PALACES OF THE WORLD: Great Palaces of the World, Volume III 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4126 Hearst Castle: The Enchanted Hill 75 min. $ 29.95
13-4929 Holy Snakes of the Virgin Mary 47 min. $ 25.00
13-4127 Hoover Dam: The Historic Construction 45 min. $ 29.95
13-4388 Hunt for Adolf Eichmann 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4181 Hurricane Andrew 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4892 INTO THE THIN AIR OF EVEREST: Conquest of Everest 80 min. $ 19.95
13-4924 INTO THE THIN AIR OF EVEREST: Everest: Tempting Fate 45 min. $ 29.95
13-4923 INTO THE THIN AIR OF EVEREST: Everest: The Quest 45 min. $ 29.95
13-4908 INTO THE THIN AIR OF EVEREST: Mountain of Dreams, Mountain of Doom: Special Value Pack 125 min. $ 29.95
13-4912 Jane Austen's Life, Society, Works 180 min. $ 29.95
13-4531 Jerusalem with Martin Gilbert 150 min. $ 29.95
13-4777 JFK in Ireland 42 min. $ 19.95
13-4771 JFK in Ireland 42 min. $ 19.95
13-4306 JFK: The Commemorative Video Album 104 min. $ 14.98
13-8324 JFK: The Day the Nation Cried 52 min. $ 19.98
13-4330 Kalapana: Death of a Hawaiian Village 48 min. $ 19.95
13-9979 KENNEDY'S: Kennedy's: Part II 120 min. $ 19.95
13-9978 KENNEDY'S: Kennedys: Part I 120 min. $ 19.95
13-0348 Kennedys 100 min. $ 19.98
06-0022 Killing of President Kennedy 80 min. $ 34.95
13-4240 King Tut: The Face of Tutankhamun 200 min. $ 59.95
03-4169 Lascaux Revisited 35 min. $ 29.95
13-4935 Let the Women Vote 57 min. $ 14.98
13-4778 Life and Times of John F. Kennedy 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4770 Life and Times of John F. Kennedy 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4840 Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4391 Lincoln Assassination 50 min. $ 29.95
13-0360 Lions of Capitalism: Great American Millionaires 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4601 Living Portraits of Historic Women: Of All the Nerve! 65 min. $ 29.95
13-4324 Loch Ness Discovered 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4416 Mandela's Fight for Freedom 150 min. $ 29.95
13-4734 Mein Kampf 120 min. $ 39.95
13-4385 Men Who Killed Kennedy: Truth Shall Make You Free... 50 min. $ 19.95
25-3612 Messiah: Robert Shaw 141 min. $ 39.95
13-4939 Michigan and the American dream 52 min. $ 19.95
13-4288 Middleton Family - 1939 New York World 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4224 MODERN MARVELS: Empire State Building 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4223 MODERN MARVELS: Grand Coulee Dam 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4225 MODERN MARVELS: Mount Rushmore 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4222 MODERN MARVELS: Panama Canal 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4179 Mystery of the Sphinx 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4351 N is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdos 57 min. $ 59.95
13-5762 Nature's Fury: A Decade Of Disasters 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4287 New York World Fair Memories of 1964 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4451 Nile, River of Gods 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4368 Nixon: Deep Secrets from Capitol Hill 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4406 Norman Vincent Peale - Positive Thinking 57 min. $ 19.95
13-4308 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Seasons of America 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4309 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Unforgettable People 55 min. $ 19.98
13-4310 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: ZZBest of On the Road With Charles Kuralt 180 min. $ 49.98
13-4959 On the Road with Jack Kerouac - King of the Beats 73in. $ 24.95
13-4772 Oswald: The Backyard Photographs 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4776 Oswald: The Backyard Photos 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4903 Out of this World 70 min. $ 24.95
13-4905 Out of This World: Deluxe Version 140 min. $ 24.95
13-4421 P.T. Barnum: America's Greatest Showman 90 min. $ 19.95
13-4407 Palladio 28 min. $ 29.95
13-0208 Pope John Paul II Visits America 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4932 Presidents of the U.S. 300 min. $ 99.95
13-4941 Real Untouchables $ 19.95
13-8019 Red Baron 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4877 Remembering Ellis Island, Everyman's Monument 60 min. $ 29.95
13-8056 Rise & Fall of Adolf Hitler 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4869 Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler 300 min. $ 99.95
13-4811 Roger Moore, A Matter of Class 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4408 ROME: Art and Architecture - Part I 31 min. $ 34.95
13-4409 ROME: Art and Architecture - Part II 39 min. $ 34.95
13-3094 Ronnie Dearest 45 min. $ 16.95
13-0373 Royal Wedding 60 min. $ 29.95
13-1593 Royal Wedding of H.R.H. Prince Andrew and Sara Ferguson 100 min. $ 29.95
13-0343 Royal Wedding of His Royal Highness Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson 100 min. $ 29.95
13-0474 Royal Wedding: His Royal Highness Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson 70 min. $ 19.95
13-4758 Rubinstein Remembered: Hosted by John Rubinstein 58 min. $ 19.98
13-8017 S.O.S. Titanic 109 min. $ 19.95
13-5750 San Francisco Earthquake October 17, 1989 60 min. $ 16.95
13-4495 SAVAGE SKIES: Fire and Rain 55 min. $ 19.98
13-4497 SAVAGE SKIES: Monsters of the Deep 57 min. $ 19.98
13-4496 SAVAGE SKIES: Riders on the Storm 59 min. $ 19.98
13-4822 SAVAGE SKIES: Savage Skies, Complete Set 230 min. $ 79.98
13-4498 SAVAGE SKIES: Winter's Tale 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4549 Secrets of Nostradamus Exposed 35 min. $ 19.95
13-4827 SILVER SERIES: Real Richard Nixon Collector's Set 201 min. $ 49.95
13-4817 SILVER SERIES: Real Richard Nixon: 28 Days 85 min. $ 19.95
13-4803 SILVER SERIES: Real Richard Nixon: Early Life 66 min. $ 19.95
13-4804 SILVER SERIES: Real Richard Nixon: Pat 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4202 South Dakota History Series 150 min. $ 99.95
13-8121 Spectacular Disasters 45 min. $ 14.95
13-4504 Stargazers 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4177 Story of Mount Rushmore: America in Stone 40 min. $ 29.95
13-4942 Thirteen Days in October 90 min. $ 19.95
13-4598 Thomas Jefferson 92 min. $ 9.95
13-4117 Titanic 200 min. $ 59.95
13-4636 Titanic: A Question of Murder 56 min. $ 19.95
13-4637 Titanic: The Nightmare and The Dream 53 min. $ 19.95
13-4904 Top Secret: Inside the World's Most Secret Agencies 150 min. $ 39.95
13-8143 Treasures of the Titanic 60 min. $ 16.95
13-4698 Triumph of the Nerds 60 min. $ 275.00
13-4207 Tut: The Boy King 55 min. $ 24.95
13-4430 UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS: United States Presidents Five Volume Set 300 min. $ 99.99
13-4353 UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS: United States Presidents Volume 1 (1789-1841) 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4354 UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS: United States Presidents Volume II (1841-1877) 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4355 UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS: United States Presidents Volume III (1877-1913) 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4356 UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS: United States Presidents Volume IV (1913-1969) 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4357 UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS: United States Presidents Volume V (1969-1993) 60 min. $ 24.99
13-4928 Unsinkable Titanic 46 min. $ 29.95
13-4756 Visit with Anne Rice 52 min. $ 29.95
13-4325 Watergate 300 min. $ 49.95
13-4342 We Were There: Jewish Liberators of the Nazi Concentration Camps 40 min. $ 29.95
13-4331 Windsors - A Royal Family 228 min. $ 79.98
13-4759 Winter Quarters: The Circus Tradition 55 min. $ 29.95
13-8344 Winter's Quarters: Behind the Big Top 50 min. $ 19.95
13-2452 Woman's Place 25 min. $ 29.98
13-4933 WWII in Color: 2 Tape Set 105 min. $ 29.95
13-5042 Yellowstone Aflame 30 min. $ 24.95
13-9001 Yosemite's Yesterdays 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4128 Yosemite: The First 100 Years - 1890-1990 60 min. $ 29.95

     Hollywood, Television & Radio

13-2498 1987: The Unforgettable Year 75 min. $ 24.95
13-3095 25 Years of Entertainment 57 min. $ 14.95
13-3096 25 Years of News 60 min. $ 14.95
13-0483 : Days of Thrills and Laughter 93 min. $ 29.95
13-4807 After Sunset - The Life and Times of the Drive-In Theater 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4519 Babe Ruth in Hollywood: Headin' Home 60 min. $ 14.95
13-4603 Betty Boop, Boop Oop a Doop 74 min. $ 14.95
13-0120 Birth of a Legend 25 min. $ 29.95
13-4384 Cartoons Go To War 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4513 Catastrophe! Hollywood Disaster Movies 90 min. $ 14.99
13-4810 Charlton Heston For All Seasons 50 min. $ 24.95
13-8272 Christmas at the Movies 60 min. $ 19.95
13-9239 Entertaining the Troops 90 min. $ 16.95
13-4796 Fantasy Worlds of Irwin Allen, The 100 min. $ 14.99
13-4431 Film Score: Music of the Movies 58 min. $ 29.95
25-0233 GOLDEN MEMORIES FROM THE FIFTIES: Golden Memories from the Fifties, Volume 1 60 min. $ 19.95
25-0234 GOLDEN MEMORIES FROM THE FIFTIES: Golden Memories from the fifties, Volume 2 60 min. $ 19.95
25-0235 GOLDEN MEMORIES FROM THE FIFTIES: Golden Memories from the Fifties, Volume 3 60 min. $ 19.95
13-0249 Great Romances of the Century 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4664 Hardware Wars 20 min. $ 19.95
13-4522 History of Talk Radio 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4142 HOLLYWOOD BABYLON: Marilyn Monroe, William Holden, Grace Kelly, Howard Hughes 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4144 HOLLYWOOD BABYLON: Sophia Loren, Alfred Hitchcock, Gloria Swanson and James Dean 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4143 HOLLYWOOD BABYLON: Vivian Leigh, John Belushi, John Lennon and Errol Flynn 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4234 Hollywood Censorship Wars 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4883 Hollywood Christmas, A 90 min. $ 9.99
13-4115 HOLLYWOOD COLLECTION: Hollywood: Licensed to Kill 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4740 HOLLYWOOD COLLECTION: Hollywood: Lights-Camera-Blashpemy 110 min. $ 19.95
13-4113 HOLLYWOOD COLLECTION: Hollywood: Power & Philosophy 48 min. $ 29.95
13-4114 HOLLYWOOD COLLECTION: Hollywood: Sex & Seduction 36 min. $ 19.95
13-4116 HOLLYWOOD COLLECTION: Hollywood: The Young and the Restless 36 min. $ 19.95
13-0223 Hollywood Home Movies 58 min. $ 19.95
13-8118 Hollywood Stars Video Tour 45 min. $ 19.95
13-4847 HOLLYWOOD'S GREATEST STUNTS: Catch a Falling Star: The Art of the High Fall 45 min. $ 19.95
13-4849 HOLLYWOOD'S GREATEST STUNTS: Come Fly With Me: The Art of Aerial Stunts 45 min. $ 19.95
13-4848 HOLLYWOOD'S GREATEST STUNTS: Great Balls of Fire: The Art of Explosive Entertainment 45 min. $ 19.95
13-4899 HOLLYWOOD: Back to the Stagedoor Canteen 40 min. $ 29.95
13-4182 HOLLYWOOD: Golden Years 58 min. $ 29.95
13-4447 Hollywood: Tex Ritter Story 104 min. $ 29.95
13-5037 HOLLYWOOD: West That Never Was 58 min. $ 29.95
13-4198 HOLLYWOOD: Wild Westerns: Back to the Saturday Matinee 82 min. $ 29.95
13-4199 HOLLYWOOD: Wild Westerns: Winning the West Week by Week 58 min. $ 29.95
13-4755 Howard Stern Exposed 50 min. $ 9.95
13-8269 Inside the Labyrinth 57 min. $ 19.95
13-4769 James Dean: A Portrait 55 min. $ 19.95
13-0132 Ken Murray's Shooting Stars 62 min. $ 59.95
13-4374 LEGENDS OF SHOWBIZ: Best of Abbott & Costello 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4370 LEGENDS OF SHOWBIZ: Best of George Burns 94 min. $ 9.95
13-4371 LEGENDS OF SHOWBIZ: Best of Milton Berle 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4372 LEGENDS OF SHOWBIZ: Best of W. C. Fields 104 min. $ 9.95
13-4373 LEGENDS OF SHOWBIZ: Frank Sinatra 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4369 LEGENDS OF SHOWBIZ: Red Skelton 120 min. $ 9.95
13-4520 Lou Gehrig in Hollywood: Rawhide 60 min. $ 14.95
13-8263 Love Goddesses 83 min. $ 16.95
13-4808 Mae West and the Men Who Knew Her 57 min. $ 24.95
13-4666 Making of The Leopard Son 50 min. $ 14.95
13-8060 Maurice Chevalier 58 min. $ 39.95
13-4286 Memories of Hollywood 47 min. $ 19.95
13-4460 Midnight Ramble: Story of the Black Film Industry 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4886 Monster Mania 60 min. $ 9.99
13-4919 Off the Ground & Off the Wall: A Doorstop Documentary 22 min. $ 19.95
13-8662 Oscar's Greatest Moments 110 min. $ 19.95
13-8366 Paul Harvey's - The Rest of the Story 60 min. $ 19.95
03-0043 Phantom of the Opera 94 min. $ 39.95
13-4439 Pin Ups: A Picture History of America's Dream Girls 60 min. $ 19.95
06-0071 Power Profiles: The Folk Heroes 50 min. $ 19.95
06-0072 Power Profiles: The Legendary Ladies 50 min. $ 19.95
13-9818 Radio Days 71 min. $ 19.95
13-4550 Riding into the Sunset: The American Hero from the Hollywood Chronicles Series 50 min. $ 19.98
13-4530 Rodgers & Hammerstein: The Sound of Movies 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4605 Roger Miller - King of the Road 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4392 Rosemary Clooney's Demi-Centennial 90 min. $ 19.95
13-9000 San Simeon 20 min. $ 19.95
22-8152 Sentimental Journey 147 min. $ 29.95
13-2199 Situation 91 min. $ 29.95
13-4377 Smithsonian Video: Art of Illusion 50 min. $ 14.98
13-4809 Story of Lassie 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4754 That's Black Entertainment: African-American Contributions in Film and Music 106 min. $ 29.95
13-4606 Tootsie's Orchid Lounge: Where the Music Began 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4401 True Story of Frankenstein 100 min. $ 19.95
13-4860 Turnabout: The Story of the Yale Puppeteers 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4884 TV Guide Looks at Christmas 57 min. $ 9.99
13-4885 TV Guide Looks at Science Fiction 60 min. $ 9.99
13-4727 TV's Greatest Game Shows 90 min. $ 19.95
13-4604 Varga Girl - The Esquire Pin-Up Girl 55 min. $ 19.95
13-9427 Women Who Made the Movies 56 min. $ 19.95
13-4467 World of Jim Henson 85 min. $ 19.95
13-8117 Yestereels of 1951 30 min. $ 16.95

     Mexican Culture

13-4335 Fiesta 30 min. $ 28.00
13-4336 Mexican Christmas Traditions 20 min. $ 45.00
13-4337 Rites of the Day of the Dead 22 min. $ 39.90


13-4788 About Time 35 min. $ 79.95
13-4065 ANCIENT AMERICAN: Indians of the Southwest $ 19.95
29-0169 And Liberty Lit the Skies 30 min. $ 29.95
13-4367 And This Is Free 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4790 Because of That War 90 min. $ 89.95
13-8057 Bluffing It, A Nabisco Showcase Presentation 60 min. $ 29.95
13-8250 Buckaroo Bard 56 min. $ 16.95
13-0234 Cajun Visits 29 min. $ 49.95
13-0271 Calypso's Search for The Britannic 58 min. $ 24.95
13-0265 Clipperton: The Island Time Forgot 58 min. $ 24.95
13-8268 Colt Firearms Legends 66 min. $ 29.95
13-8248 Cowgirls 30 min. $ 16.95
13-4446 Crusades 200 min. $ 59.95
13-4864 Curse of the Somers: Billy Budd's Ghost Ship 55 min. $ 29.95
13-2009 Death Diploma 50 min. $ 39.98
13-0029 Diving for Roman Plunder 59 min. $ 24.95
13-8247 Do You Mean There Are Still Cowboys 60 min. $ 19.95
13-5157 Earthquake 30 min. $ 24.95
13-1678 El Camino Real 30 min. $ 19.95
13-8113 Eyes on Hawaiian Skies 30 min. $ 29.95
13-4445 Fireworks: The Magic of Pyrotechnics 100 min. $ 29.95
13-5710 Gangster Chronicles: Part I 46 min. $ 14.95
13-5711 Gangster Chronicles: Part II 45 min. $ 14.95
13-8326 Gender & Social Change 60 min. $ 39.95
13-2324 Guiness Book of World Records 30 min. $ 14.95
13-4815 Havana - Cigar of Connoisseurs 59 min. $ 24.95
13-3065 Hitler: The World of Tomorrow 30 min. $ 19.95
13-9811 How to Fix Up a Little Old American Town 57 min. $ 59.95
13-0253 Human Unity Conference: Entertainment Highlights 30 min. $ 39.95
13-0254 Human Unity Conference: Keynote Speakers 30 min. $ 39.95
13-0255 Human Unity Conference: The Healing of Nations: A Personal Purpose 30 min. $ 39.95
13-4607 In the Shadow of the Stars 94 min. $ 19.95
13-0268 IN TIMES PAST: Blind Prophets of Easter Island 58 min. $ 24.95
13-0270 IN TIMES PAST: Calypso's Search for Atlantis 116 min. $ 24.95
13-0030 IN TIMES PAST: Nile 116 min. $ 24.95
13-0272 IN TIMES PAST: Warm-Blooded Sea Mammals of the Deep 58 min. $ 24.95
08-0013 Last Sailors 150 min. $ 11.11
13-0067 London Medley and City of the Golden Gate 19 min. $ 24.95
13-0266 Lost Relics of the Sea 58 min. $ 24.95
13-8500 Made and Bottled in Kentucky 59 min. $ 19.95
13-4746 Make the United Nations Work: The Case for the Binding Triad 28 min. $ 24.95
13-0269 Mediterranean: Cradle or Coffin? 58 min. $ 24.95
13-9783 Memories of Mr. Jefferson's University 47 min. $ 29.95
13-0340 Mercenary Game 60 min. $ 39.95
13-4730 Mt. Everest - Climb for Hope 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4911 Mt. Everest: The Fatal Climb 52 min. $ 14.95
13-4532 Mummies and The Wonders of Ancient Egypt 200 min. $ 59.95
13-4365 Murder of the Century 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4527 MYTHS, MYSTERIES AND MYSTICISM: Complete Five Tape Set with Gift Box $ 99.95
13-4524 MYTHS, MYSTERIES AND MYSTICISM: Compostella: The Next Step 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4526 MYTHS, MYSTERIES AND MYSTICISM: Giza Pyramids: Tribute to Osiris 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4523 MYTHS, MYSTERIES AND MYSTICISM: Mystery of the Lamb of God 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4525 MYTHS, MYSTERIES AND MYSTICISM: Nazca Lines: Pathway to the Gods 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4150 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: 30 Years of National Geographic Special 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4145 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Africa's Stolen River 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4146 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Australia's Aborigines 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4147 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Cameramen Who Dared 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4148 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Explorers: A Century of Discovery 90 min. $ 19.95
13-4149 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: For All Mankind 80 min. $ 19.95
13-4151 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: In The Shadow of Vesuvius 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4152 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Invisible World 60 min. $ 14.95
13-4153 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Last Voyage of Lusitania 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4154 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Living Treasures of Japan 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4155 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Lost Fleet of Guadalcanal 106 min. $ 19.98
13-4156 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Lost Kingdoms of the Maya 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4999 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Mysteries of Mankind 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4157 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Return to Everest 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4159 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Sampler 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4158 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Search for Battleship Bismarck 60 min. $ 19.98
13-0432 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Secrets of the Titanic 60 min. $ 14.95
13-4161 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Soviet Circus 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4160 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Superliners: Twilight of an Era 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4162 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Volcano 60 min. $ 19.98
13-4745 Nine Weeks for the Earth - The Challenge of World Citizenship 34 min. $ 24.95
13-8246 On the Cowboy Trail 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8278 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Alaska: Outrage at Valdez 57 min. $ 24.95
13-8274 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Amazon: Snowstorm in the Jungle and Ragging for the Amazon 90 min. $ 24.95
13-4307 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: American Heritage 60 min. $ 19.98
13-8276 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Lilliput in Antarctica 48 min. $ 24.95
13-8275 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Papua New Guinea: Center of Fire 60 min. $ 24.95
13-8273 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Pioneer of the Sea 60 min. $ 24.95
13-8277 ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT: Tahiti: Fire Waters 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4245 Pole to Pole 400 min. $ 69.95
13-8140 Pot Shots: How They Grow Sensimilla 60 min. $ 39.95
13-8279 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Bering Sea: Twilight of the Alaskan Hunter 48 min. $ 24.95
13-8282 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Borneo: Forests without Land 48 min. $ 24.95
13-8280 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Haiti: Waters of Sorrow 48 min. $ 24.95
13-8283 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Riders of the Wind 48 min. $ 24.95
13-8281 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Thailand: Convicts of the Sea 48 min. $ 24.95
13-8284 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Western Australia: Out West and Down Under 48 min. $ 24.95
13-0354 Ripley's: Volume 2 80 min. $ 39.95
13-8249 Salute to the Cowboy 60 min. $ 16.95
13-9452 Shape of the World 360 min. $ 149.95
01-0078 Silent Language of the Plains 120 min. $ 49.95
13-4563 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Certain Age 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4564 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Doors of Perception 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4562 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: From Information to Wisdom 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4561 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Gender: The Enduring Paradox 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4555 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Living Smithsonian 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4559 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Nigerian Art: Kindred Spirits 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4560 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Quantum Universe 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4558 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Tales of Human Dawn 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4557 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Vever Affair 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4556 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Web of Life 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4554 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Wyeths, A Father and His Family 58 min. $ 19.98
13-4553 SMITHSONIAN WORLD: Zoo 58 min. $ 19.98
13-8261 Son of a Gun 50 min. $ 29.95
13-0315 Statue of Liberty 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4238 Sunken Treasures of Lake Tahoe 70 min. $ 29.95
13-0267 Time Bomb at 50 Fathoms 57 min. $ 24.95
13-4547 Tintinnabula 26 min. $ 49.95
13-0488 TV's Greatest Bits 53 min. $ 39.95
13-6614 Wall In Jerusalem 91 min. $ 59.95

     Monuments, Tours & Tributes

13-4731 100 Years of Northwest & Royal Canadian Mounted Police 30 min. $ 19.95
13-6187 Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty 48 min. $ 14.95
13-8125 Agricultural Hall of Fame 32 min. $ 24.95
13-4251 All the Unsung Heroes: The Story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial 30 min. $ 24.95
13-8334 Arlington National Cemetery: Video Salute to America's Heroes 30 min. $ 19.95
13-8350 Dear America 87 min. $ 79.95
03-4257 Detroit Remember When, II: The American Dream and the Automobile 67 min. $ 19.95
13-4938 Detroit Remember When: Motor City Memories and Hometown Traditions 44 min. $ 19.95
13-8124 Dwight D. Eisenhower Library and Museum 57 min. $ 24.95
13-4918 Evening Parade: Preserving the Tradition 72 min. $ 29.95
13-4917 Fierce Pride in Country & Corps 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4178 Fort McHenry: Preserving the Spirit of Liberty 30 min. $ 29.95
13-8007 Fort Phil Kearny 30 min. $ 24.95
13-6086 Gettysburg Battlefield Tour 35 min. $ 24.95
13-4396 GREAT AMERICAN MONUMENTS: Presidential Memorials 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4395 GREAT AMERICAN MONUMENTS: War Memorials 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4394 GREAT AMERICAN MONUMENTS: White House 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4204 GREAT WONDERS OF THE WORLD: Wonders of Man's Creation 70 min. $ 24.95
13-4203 GREAT WONDERS OF THE WORLD: Wonders of Nature 70 min. $ 24.95
13-4205 GREAT WONDERS OF THE WORLD: Wonders Sacred & Mysterious 70 min. $ 24.95
13-4206 GREAT WONDERS OF THE WORLD: ZZGreat Wonders of the World 3-Volume Gift Set 180 min. $ 59.95
13-4816 Guardians of the Night 52 min. $ 24.95
13-8356 Guns of the Old West 53 min. $ 19.95
13-8123 Harry S. Truman Library and Museum 57 min. $ 24.95
13-0044 Heritage of the Pharoahs 50 min. $ 29.95
13-4600 History of the Bikini 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4454 Holocaust: In Memory of Millions 95 min. $ 19.95
25-0278 Homage to Verdi 60 min. $ 19.95
13-5748 Inside The White House 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4814 Irish Country House 58 min. $ 24.95
13-4780 Lady Liberty 45 min. $ 19.95
13-4428 MODERN MARVELS: Domed Stadiums 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4417 MODERN MARVELS: Eiffel Tower 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4418 MODERN MARVELS: Golden Gate Bridge 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4426 MODERN MARVELS: Gothic Cathedrals 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4420 MODERN MARVELS: Las Vegas 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4429 MODERN MARVELS: Ocean Liners 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4419 MODERN MARVELS: Statue of Liberty 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4425 MODERN MARVELS: Transcontinental Railroad 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4427 MODERN MARVELS: Tunnels 50 min. $ 19.95
13-0166 Mr. Lincoln's Springfield 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4720 Our Country: A Musical Tribute to America's Parks & Monuments 20 min. $ 14.95
13-4230 Preserving the Past: Civil War Battlefields 50 min. $ 19.95
13-5746 Presidents 60 min. $ 19.95
13-9127 Proudly We Hail 52 min. $ 19.95
14-8093 Remembering Pearl Harbor: U.S.S. Arizona Memorial 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4940 Royal Military Tattoo 88 min. $ 19.95
13-4363 Scotland the Brave 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4914 Spirit of of Beaufort 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4653 STORY OF FASHION: Age of Dissent 61 min. $ 29.95
13-4652 STORY OF FASHION: Art and Sport of Fashion 63 min. $ 29.95
13-4651 STORY OF FASHION: Remembrance of Things Past 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4654 STORY OF FASHION: Story of Fashion, Three Tape Boxed Set 184 min. $ 79.95
13-4176 Story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: The Last Landing Zone 40 min. $ 29.95
25-0125 Tosca's Kiss 87 min. $ 39.95
13-2431 Touring Civil War Battlefields 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8009 Touring Little Big Horn Battlefield 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4660 TREASURE HOUSES OF BRITAIN: Building for Eternity 58 min. $ 29.95
13-4661 TREASURE HOUSES OF BRITAIN: Palaces of Reason and Delight 58 min. $ 29.95
13-4662 TREASURE HOUSES OF BRITAIN: Recapturing the Past 58 min. $ 29.95
13-4663 TREASURE HOUSES OF BRITAIN: Treasure Houses of Britain, Three Tape Boxed Set 174 min. $ 79.95
13-8142 USS Arizona: Life and Death of a Lady 47 min. $ 19.95
13-4001 USS Arizona: The Life and Death of a Lady 45 min. $ 19.95
13-2675 Where America Began: Jamestown, Colonial Williamsburg and Yorktown 60 min. $ 24.95
13-8116 Wonders of God's Creation 180 min. $ 59.95
13-4481 WORLD'S MOST MYSTERIOUS PLACES: EUROPE: England 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4482 WORLD'S MOST MYSTERIOUS PLACES: EUROPE: Mediterranean 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4483 WORLD'S MOST MYSTERIOUS PLACES: EUROPE: Sacred Sites 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4341 WORLD'S MOST MYSTERIOUS PLACES: EUROPE: World's Most Mysterious Places: Europe, Three Tape Set 60 min. $ 49.95

     Multicultural Perspectives

13-4494 Amish Barn Raising 55 min. $ 19.95
13-4003 Amish Folk 32 min. $ 45.00
13-4063 ANCIENT AMERICAN INDIANS: Indians of the Eastern Woodlands 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4064 ANCIENT AMERICAN INDIANS: Indians of the Northwest 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4061 ANCIENT AMERICAN INDIANS: More Than Bows and Arrows 60 Min. $ 19.95
13-4062 ANCIENT AMERICAN INDIANS: Nomadic Indians of the West 60 min. $ 119.95
13-5764 Before Stonewall: Making Of A Gay & Lesbian Community 87 min. $ 29.95
13-4139 Before the Incas - In the Shadow of the Incas 43 min. $ 29.95
13-0023 Belafonte Presents Fincho 120 min. $ 69.95
13-4625 BURIED MIRROR: Age of Gold 59 min. $ 29.95
13-4628 BURIED MIRROR: Buried Mirror: Five Tape Boxed Set 297 min. $ 99.95
13-4624 BURIED MIRROR: Conflict with the Gods 59 min. $ 29.95
13-4626 BURIED MIRROR: Price of Freedom 59 min. $ 29.95
13-4627 BURIED MIRROR: Unfinished Business 59 min. $ 29.95
13-4623 BURIED MIRROR: Virgin and the Bull 59 min. $ 29.95
13-4577 China Rising 150 min. $ 49.95
13-4615 CIVILIZATION: Civilization, Volume 1 94 min. $ 29.95
13-4616 CIVILIZATION: Civilization, Volume 2 94 min. $ 29.95
13-4617 CIVILIZATION: Civilization, Volume 3 94 min. $ 29.95
13-4618 CIVILIZATION: Civilization, Volume 4 94 min. $ 29.95
13-4619 CIVILIZATION: Civilization, Volume 5 94 min. $ 29.95
13-4620 CIVILIZATION: Civilization, Volume 6 94 min. $ 29.95
13-4621 CIVILIZATION: Civilization, Volume 7 94 min. $ 29.95
13-4622 CIVILIZATION: Civilization: Seven Tape Boxed Set 650 min. $ 149.95
03-0323 Crete and Mycenae 54 min. $ 19.95
13-4237 Curse of the Lost Gold Mine 47 min. $ 29.95
13-4775 Day in the Life of Miao Miao 20 min. $ 19.95
13-4282 Displaced Person 48 min. $ 39.95
13-4289 Elegant Visions: Native American Women's Clothing 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4252 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Arundel Castle 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4253 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Breamore Castle 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4259 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Broadlands 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4258 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Chartwell 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4260 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Goodwood House 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4261 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Penshurst Place 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4254 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Strathfield Saye 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4257 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Sutton Place 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4256 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Uppark 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4255 ENGLISHMAN'S HOMES: Wilton 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4882 Ethiopia, Africa's Lost Kingdom 55 min. $ 29.95
13-4004 Etruscans 17 min. $ 44.95
13-9163 Feathered Serpent 40 min. $ 24.95
13-4453 Flight Over The Equator 90 min. $ 19.95
13-4284 Follow Me - The Story of the Six Day War 95 min. $ 39.95
13-4285 Forest of Valor 52 min. $ 39.95
13-0006 Gathering Strength (1840-1914) 50 min. $ 64.95
03-0326 Greek Temple 54 min. $ 19.95
13-4005 Hasidim 29 min. $ 49.95
13-4270 Holocaust 23 min. $ 29.95
13-4552 HOLY LAND: Holy Land Bible Series 80 min. $ 69.95
13-4278 HOLY LAND: Jerusalem's Cardo 26 min. $ 24.95
13-4276 HOLY LAND: Massada: A Story of Heroism 33 min. $ 24.95
13-4277 HOLY LAND: Sea of Galilee 25 min. $ 24.95
13-4104 I Will Fight No More Forever 100 min. $ 16.95
13-0367 Immigrant Experience: The Long, Long Journey 30 min. $ 16.95
13-1871 Incas Remembered 60 min. $ 24.95
13-9100 Irish Homecoming 64 min. $ 29.95
13-4813 Irish Homecoming 58 min. $ 24.95
13-4272 Israel - A Nation is Born 300 min. $ 149.95
13-4275 Israel - Never a Dull Moment 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4281 Jewish Holiday Video Guide 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4521 Jewish Moments 36 min. $ 39.95
13-4716 Kolyma 40 min. $ 29.95
13-4314 Kwanzaa: An African-American Cultural Holiday 30 min. $ 19.95
13-4423 Last of the Czars 150 min. $ 39.95
13-0230 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: Always for Pleasure 58 min. $ 49.95
13-4166 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: Ancient Egypt: The Habit of Civilization 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4169 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: Barbarian West 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4168 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: Central America: The Burden of Time 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4167 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: China: Mandate of the Heaven 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4165 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: India: The Empire of the Spirit 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4164 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: Iraq: Cradle of Civilization 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4163 LEGACY - ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION: ZZLegacy Six Volume Series 360 min. $ 129.95
13-0231 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Blues Accordin' to Lightnin' Hopkins 31 min. $ 49.95
13-0233 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Burden of Dreams 94 min. $ 59.95
13-0235 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Chulas Fronteras 59 min. $ 49.95
13-0236 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Del Mero Corazon 28 min. $ 49.95
13-0237 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Dry Wood 37 min. $ 49.95
13-1624 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Gap-Toothed Women 30 min. $ 49.95
13-0239 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Hot Pepper 54 min. $ 49.95
13-0240 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: In Heaven There is No Beer 51 min. $ 49.95
13-0232 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Les Blues de Balfa 28 min. $ 94.95
13-0241 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Spend it All 42 min. $ 49.95
13-0242 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Sprout Wings and Fly 30 min. $ 49.95
13-0243 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Stoney Knows How 30 min. $ 49.95
13-0244 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Turumba 94 min. $ 59.95
13-0245 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Well Spent Life 44 min. $ 49.95
13-0246 LES BLANK DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe 20 min. $ 49.95
13-1623 Les Blank: Ziveli!: Medicine for the Heart 50 min. $ 49.95
13-8027 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: 90 Degrees South: With Scott to the Antarctic 72 min. $ 39.95
13-8029 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness 70 min. $ 39.95
03-9063 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: Day On The Grand Canal With The Emperor Of China 48 min. $ 39.95
13-8025 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life 70 min. $ 39.95
13-8026 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: In the Land of the War Canoes: An Oram of Kwaktutl Life 47 min. $ 39.95
13-8031 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: Simba: The King of Beasts 83 min. $ 39.95
13-8028 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: Tabu: A Story of the South Seas 82 min. $ 39.95
13-8032 MAGIC OF ART: THE FILMS OF PHILIP HAAS: With Byrd at the South Pole: The Story of Little America 82 min. $ 39.95
13-4364 Majesty: The History of the British Monarchy 104 min. $ 39.95
13-4017 Mayans: Apocalypse Then 27 min. $ 99.00
13-4631 MEISHU: TRAVELS IN CHINESE ART: Canal Boat to History 55 min. $ 39.95
13-4632 MEISHU: TRAVELS IN CHINESE ART: China and the World 55 min. $ 39.95
13-4633 MEISHU: TRAVELS IN CHINESE ART: Chinese Identity 55 min. $ 39.95
13-4634 MEISHU: TRAVELS IN CHINESE ART: Meishu: Travels in Chinese Art, Three Tape Boxed Set 165 min. $ 99.95
13-9146 Middle East: Cradle of Conflict 30 min. $ 9.95
13-8353 MINI-DRAGON: Hong Kong 60 min. $ 24.95
13-8352 MINI-DRAGON: Singapore 60 min. $ 24.95
13-8354 MINI-DRAGON: South Korea 60 min. $ 24.95
13-8351 MINI-DRAGON: Taiwan 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4123 MINI-DRAGON: ZZMini Dragons Series 240 min. $ 79.95
13-4536 Mondo Cane 90 min. $ 12.98
13-4535 Mondo Cane & Mondo Cane 2 180 min. $ 19.98
13-4537 Mondo Cane 2 90 min. $ 12.98
13-4280 Moshe Dayan 52 min. $ 29.95
13-4876 My Second Life: East German Women in a Changed World 53 min. $ 29.00
13-4101 MYSTERIES OF PERU: Enigma of the Ruins 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4102 MYSTERIES OF PERU: Lines, The 50 min. $ 19.95
13-5551 Mysteries Of The Pyramids 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8157 Negro Soldier 45 min. $ 12.95
13-4271 Not Like Sheep to the Slaughter - The Story of the Bialystok Ghetto 145 min. $ 69.95
13-4925 Our Contributions: The Italians in America 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4263 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: Abraham - The First Hebrew 20 min. $ 19.95
13-4266 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: Esther - Queen of Persia 23 min. $ 19.95
13-4267 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: Matityahu - The Maccabee 23 min. $ 19.95
13-4264 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: Moses - The Leader 24 min. $ 19.95
13-4265 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: Ruth - The Convert 23 min. $ 19.95
13-4551 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: ZZPeople of the Book - Special Boxed Set 150 min. $ 79.95
13-4866 Place for My Friends 15 min. $ 29.95
13-9454 Portrait of Great Britain 200 min. $ 99.95
13-4268 Rabbi Akiba - Interpretation of the Torah 25 min. $ 24.95
13-4279 Rabbi Kook - A Meeting of Worlds 45 min. $ 29.95
13-4269 Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zachai 25 min. $ 24.95
13-4868 Roots of Rhythm 180 min. $ 39.95
13-8131 Sacred Ground: North American Indians 60 min. $ 16.95
13-4141 Sacred Sites: Prehistoric Monuments of Europe 43 min. $ 29.95
13-4099 SACRED WAYS COLLECTION: Dreamtales 35 min. $ 19.95
13-4100 SACRED WAYS COLLECTION: Spirit of the Mask 50 min. $ 19.95
13-4098 SACRED WAYS COLLECTION: Sun Dagger 58 min. $ 19.95
17-4119 Secrets of the Mummy 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8020 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4002 Shakers in America 28 min. $ 49.95
13-6742 SILK ROAD: Across The Taklamakan Desert 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6739 SILK ROAD: Art Gallery In The Desert 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6740 SILK ROAD: Dark Castle 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6737 SILK ROAD: Glories of Ancient Changan 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6744 SILK ROAD: Heat-Wave Called Turfan 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6741 SILK ROAD: In Search Of The Kingdom Of Lou Ran 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6746 SILK ROAD: Journey Into Music - South Through The Tian Shan Mountains 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6743 SILK ROAD: Khotan - Oasis Of Silk And Jade 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6738 SILK ROAD: Thousand Kilometers Beyond The Yellow River 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6745 SILK ROAD: Through The Tian Shan Mountains By Rail 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6748 SILK ROAD: Two Roads To The Pamirs 50 min. $ 29.95
13-6747 SILK ROAD: Where Horses Fly Like The Wind 50 min. $ 29.95
13-8061 Sky Above, Mud Below 92 min. $ 39.98
13-4294 Songs of Indian Territory: Native American Musical Traditions in Oklahoma 38 min. $ 19.95
13-4132 Stairways to the Gods: On the Trail of the Jaguar 43 min. $ 29.95
13-8245 Stories of Change: Surviving Life's Challenges 57 min. $ 99.95
13-4650 STORY OF ENGLISH: Story of English, Five Tape Boxed Set 523 min. $ 139.95
13-4645 STORY OF ENGLISH: Story of English, Volume I 115 min. $ 39.95
13-4646 STORY OF ENGLISH: Story of English, Volume II 118 min. $ 39.95
13-4647 STORY OF ENGLISH: Story of English, Volume III 115 min. $ 39.95
13-4648 STORY OF ENGLISH: Story of English, Volume IV 115 min. $ 39.95
13-4649 STORY OF ENGLISH: Story of English, Volume V 58 min. $ 39.95
13-8342 Surviving Columbus: The Story of the Pueblo People 120 min. $ 19.95
13-4875 TEST THE WEST! METAMORPHOSIS IN EAST GERMANY: Test the West! Metamorphosis in East Germany Set 78 min. $ 35.00
13-4873 TEST THE WEST! METAMORPHOSIS IN EAST GERMANY: Test the West! Part I: 1990 "First Encounter with a New System" 30 min. $ 19.00
13-4874 TEST THE WEST! METAMORPHOSIS IN EAST GERMANY: Test the West! Part II: 1993 "The Rebuilding of a Country" 48 min. $ 19.00
13-4201 This House of Power 50 min. $ 29.95
13-4140 Tibet's Holy Mountain 52 min. $ 29.95
13-4717 Traditions for Sale 50 min. $ 25.00
13-4437 Treehouse People: Cannibal Justice 50 min. $ 24.95
13-4786 Understanding Prejudice: Gripes and Common Ground 50 min. $ 79.00
13-4138 Vanished Culture - Easter Island 44 min. $ 29.95
13-0440 Video from Russia 45 min. $ 29.95
13-4283 Yom Kippur War - The October 1973 War 28 min. $ 29.95

     Native Americans

13-0141 Ancient Indian Cultures of Northern Arizona 30 min. $ 24.95
13-4125 Hopi Pottery 65 min. $ 29.95
13-4452 How the West Was Lost II 330 min. $ 79.95
13-4316 HOW THE WEST WAS LOST: Always the Enemy/The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4315 HOW THE WEST WAS LOST: Clash of Cultures/I Will Fight No More Forever 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4317 HOW THE WEST WAS LOST: Good Day to Die/Kill the Indian Save the Man 100 min. $ 29.95
13-4318 HOW THE WEST WAS LOST: How the West Was Lost, Three Volume Deluxe Box Set 300 min. $ 79.95
13-4210 INDIANS OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI: Indians of the Upper Mississippi: Culture 29 min. $ 99.00
13-4208 INDIANS OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI: Indians of the Upper Mississippi: History 28 min. $ 99.00
13-4209 INDIANS OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI: Indians of the Upper Mississippi: Politics 28 min. $ 99.00
13-4744 Into The Circle of the Powwow 58 min. $ 19.95
13-4922 Lakota Medicine Walk: Hearing One Voice 51in. $ 24.95
13-0165 Mesa Verde 60 min. $ 24.95
13-4921 Native American Healing in the 21st Century 38 min. $ 24.95
13-4232 Native American Indians 60 min. $ 14.98
13-4293 NATIVE AMERICAN MASTER ARTISTS: Ella Mae Blackbear, Cherokee Basketmaker 24 min. $ 19.95
13-4292 NATIVE AMERICAN MASTER ARTISTS: Ribbons of the Osage: The Art and Life of Georgeann Robinson 28 min. $ 19.95
13-4290 NATIVE AMERICAN MASTER ARTISTS: Strength of Life: Knokovtee Scott, Creek Shellworker 28 min. $ 19.95
13-4291 NATIVE AMERICAN MEN'S & WOMEN'S DANCE STYLES: Native American Men's and Women's Dance Styles, Volume 1 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4743 NATIVE AMERICAN MEN'S & WOMEN'S DANCE STYLES: Native American Men's and Women's Dance Styles, Volume 2 60 min. $ 19.95
20-9162 Native American Prophecy and Ceremony 25 min. $ 24.95
13-4273 NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS: Peyote Road - Ancient Religion in Contemporary Crisis 60 min. $ 29.95
13-4274 NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS: Red Road to Sobriety 90 min. $ 39.95
13-9976 NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS: Wiping the Tears of Seven Generations 57 min. $ 29.95
13-4578 NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS: Your Humble Serpent: Wisdom of Reuben Snake 70 min. $ 29.95
13-4013 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Abnaki: The Native People of Maine 30 min. $ 99.00
13-4014 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Crow Dog's Paradise 28 min. $ 99.00
13-4015 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Emergence 14 min. $ 99.00
13-4012 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Eyanopapi: The Heart of Sioux 30 min. $ 99.00
13-4009 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Geronimo: The Final Campaign 30 min. $ 99.00
14-4016 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Letter From an Apache 11 min. $ 99.00
13-4016 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Live and Remember 30 min. $ 99.00
13-4010 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Loving Rebel 26 min. $ 99.00
13-4011 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Spirit of the Hunt 30 min. $ 99.00
13-4008 NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES: Thunder in the Dells 30 min. $ 99.00
13-4823 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Bright Eyes: Susette La Flesche Tibbles 20 min. $ 49.50
13-4824 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte: Our Nation's First Woman Indian 20 min. $ 49.50
13-4826 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Family Life: Multiculturalism 20 min. $ 49.50
13-4825 NEBRASKA NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1800'S: Silent Communications: Trail Signs/Sign Language 20 min. $ 49.50
13-4602 Paths of Life: American Indians of the Southwest 21 min. $ 19.95
13-4573 WAR AGAINST THE INDIANS: Dispossessed 60 min. $ 12.99
13-4571 WAR AGAINST THE INDIANS: Feather and the Cross 60 min. $ 12.99
13-4572 WAR AGAINST THE INDIANS: Hunter Becomes the Hunted 60 min. $ 12.99
13-4574 WAR AGAINST THE INDIANS: Three Tape Set 180 min. $ 39.99

     Old West

13-4443 BEST OF THE REAL WEST: Battle of the Alamo 50 min. $ 14.95
13-4440 BEST OF THE REAL WEST: Sitting Bull and the Great Sioux Nation 50 min. $ 14.95
13-4442 BEST OF THE REAL WEST: Texas Rangers 50 min. $ 14.95
13-4444 BEST OF THE REAL WEST: Wild Bill Hickok 50 min. $ 14.95
13-4441 BEST OF THE REAL WEST: Wild Women: Calamity Jane, Belle Star, Annie Oakley 50 min. $ 14.95
13-4595 Buffalo Bill's Wild West 90 min. $ 9.95
13-8015 Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show 45 min. $ 24.95
13-4591 Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4794 Dude Ranches Out West: Then and Now 27 min. $ 19.95
13-8129 GREAT WEST COLLECTION: Great Ranches of the West 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8126 GREAT WEST COLLECTION: Last Cowboys 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8128 GREAT WEST COLLECTION: My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys with Waylon Jennings 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8127 GREAT WEST COLLECTION: Ranch Album 60 min. $ 19.95
13-8130 GREAT WEST COLLECTION: Working Cowboy: In Search of the Cowboy Song 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4593 Gunfighters of the Old West 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4589 Guns that Won the West 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4592 Legend of Custer 114 min. $ 9.95
13-4172 LEGENDS OF THE AMERICAN WEST: Billy the Kid 30 min. $ 16.95
13-4173 LEGENDS OF THE AMERICAN WEST: Wyatt Earp 30 min. $ 16.95
13-8013 Life and Times of Buffalo Bill Cody 20 min. $ 24.95
13-4585 Long Knives 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4433 Nobody's Girls: Five Women of the West 90 min. $ 29.95
13-4586 Old West Cowboys 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4528 Outlaws and Lawmen 200 min. $ 29.95
13-8145 Ranching: Living Legacy of the American West 31 min. $ 16.95
13-4576 Real West 250 min. $ 79.95
13-4320 REDISCOVERING AMERICA: Indians Among Us 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4321 REDISCOVERING AMERICA: Railroads, Robbers & Rebels 60 min. $ 19.95
13-4319 REDISCOVERING AMERICA: Real American Cowboy 60 min. $ 19.95
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13-8041 WEST OF THE IMAGINATION: Romantic Horizon 60 min. $ 29.95
13-8044 WEST OF THE IMAGINATION: Wild Riders 60 min. $ 29.95
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13-4588 Wisdom of the Tribes 90 min. $ 9.95
13-4590 Wyatt Earp 90 min. $ 9.95

     Social & Political Issues

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13-2020 : American Family: The War Years 1941-1945 89 min. $ 19.95
13-8214 : American Family: The War Years 1941-1945 89 min. $ 19.95
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13-2317 FEDERAL FOLLIES : Federal Follies, Volume 5 50 min. $ 24.95
13-2318 FEDERAL FOLLIES : Federal Follies, Volume 6 50 min. $ 24.95
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13-4657 PRIZE: THE EPIC QUEST FOR OIL, MONEY & POWER: Prize, Volume 3 120 min. $ 29.95
13-4658 PRIZE: THE EPIC QUEST FOR OIL, MONEY & POWER: Prize, Volume 4 120 min. $ 29.95
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     War & Military History

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08-8000 MILITARY: Submarine: Steel Boats - Iron Men 60 min. $ 29.95
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