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Path to Independence

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Path to Independence

This will take you back to the times leading up to the creation of the United States, including the path to independence. Visit Colonial Virginia, Valley Forge Historical Park and much more.

13-4895 Length 50 min. Copyright 1997 $ 19.95

Qty Product ID Format UPC Price
13-4895 VHS 743452013333 19.95
This title is part of the following series:


This four tape series for Grades 3-5 has won two Telly Awards: one for Education/Academic and one for History/Biography. Teacher's/Study guides are available for each tape in this series which contains a more detailed summary of the contents, tests/answers, projects for various classes relating to the subject material, specific craft projects with detailed steps for completion. Each $19.95.
Product ID Qty Format Title Price
13-4896 VHS Exploring the West 19.95
13-4898 VHS Gold Rush and Gun Fights 19.95
13-4897 VHS Grant and Sherman 19.95
13-4838 VHS Robert E. Lee Country 19.95
13-4900 VHS Roots of American Entertainment 19.95
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