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"Downfall of the Monarchies" By the end of the 20th century, virtually all of the world's monarchies had been swept away by assassination, war and revolution. This looks at the royal families who fell from grace, from mighty empires to smaller players, and at the still splendid world of India's maharajahs. Among those appearing in the program are Otto and former King Michael of Romania. "The Surviving Monarchies" The tide of the 20th century has been towards Republicanism, but many countries still retain strong and powerful monarchies. This looks at these surviving monarchies to see how they adapted and changed with the times to ensure that they remained popular with their people and relevant to the political world in which they lived. The program looks at the House of Windsor, the Japanese Imperial throne, the Hashimite monarchy of Jordan, the Belgian monarchy and the Spanish monarchy. Two tape set - 48 minutes each.

13-4543 Length 96 min. Copyright 1996 $ 39.95

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This title is part of the following series:


Product ID Qty Format Title Price
13-4542 sold out VHS Fame and Foible 39.95
13-4546 sold out VHS Love and Romance 19.95
13-4545 sold out VHS Our Deepest Fears 39.95
13-4544 sold out VHS Spirit of Discovery 39.95

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