Masters of Animation, Volume I: North America
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Masters of Animation, Volume I: North America
A showcase of the best animation from the USA, The National Film Board of Canada, and the CBS-Radio Canada/Canadian Independent Animators includes interviews with Chuck Jones, Barrie Nelson, Leo Salkin, master animator Norman McLaren, Caroline Leaf and Don Arioli. Other artists represented by their works include Walt Disney, the Hubleys, Joanna Priestly, Derek Lamb, Ishu Patel, Frederic Back and Andre Theroux.
Length 85 min.
$ 19.95
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This title is part of the following series:
Over 10 years in the making, this series represents
the peak achievements of 7,000 artists from 13
countries. Produced and directed by John Halas, former
president of the International Animated Film
Association and award-winning animator, these provide
an opportunity to experience the exciting diversity of
the world's leading animation artists and
state-of-the-art animation technology.
Product ID |
Qty |
Format |
Title |
Price |
03-4210 |
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Masters of Animation, Four Tape Boxed Set |
69.95 |
03-4207 |
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Masters of Animation, Volume II: Great Britain and Western Europe |
19.95 |
03-4208 |
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Masters of Animation, Volume III: Eastern Europe |
19.95 |
03-4209 |
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Masters of Animation, Volume IV: Japan and Computer Animation |
19.95 |