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Hammerheads of El Bajo/Once Upon a Manta

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Hammerheads of El Bajo/Once Upon a Manta

In "Hammerheads of El Bajo," swim among these massive schools of hammerhead shark and observe their behavior. In "Once Upon a Manta," divers ride the 12 foot back of a manta in Mexico's Sea of Cortez.

24-4005 Length 60 min. Copyright 1994 $ 14.95

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This title is part of the following series:


Through spectacular film photography, this series reveals the beauty and behavior of some of nature's most exquisite creatures including sharks, dolphins, manta rays and whales. From the underwater mountain range in Hawaii to a submerged volcano in Mexico's Sea of Cortez, this series probes the underwater environment to determine how man is affecting the oceans delicate balance.
Product ID Qty Format Title Price
24-4029 sold out VHS Birds of Cortez/Otter Coast 14.95
24-4030 sold out VHS Cities in the Sea/Sentinels of the Sea 14.95
24-4032 sold out VHS In Over Our Heads/Necklace of Death 14.95
24-4034 sold out VHS Island in the Fog/Fate of the Dolphin 14.95
24-4007 sold out VHS Last of the Manatees/Silent Skies 14.95
24-4033 sold out VHS Long Journey/Innocent Sea 14.95
24-4035 sold out VHS Refuge in the Sea/Fragile Coast 14.95
24-4006 sold out VHS Sea of Whales/Whales That Came Back 14.95
24-4028 sold out VHS Seal Country/Realm of the White Shark 14.95
24-4003 sold out VHS Tribes in the Sea, Parts One and Two 14.95
24-4031 sold out VHS Trouble with the Law/Peddling Paradise 14.95
24-4036 sold out VHS Windows in the Sea/America's Ocean Parks 14.95

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