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Wounded Healers

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Wounded Healers

The final program in the series, visits Commonweal, a retreat for people with cancer. The program follows a group of people over the course of a week as they learn to navigate the life passage called cancer. By addressing the afflictions that have wounded their minds and spirits--by listening, supporting, and encouraging each other, they recognize one another's unique experience of illness.

20-4051 Length 58 min. Copyright 1993 $ 99.95

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This title is part of the following series:


Ancient medical science told us our minds and bodies are one. So did philosophers of old. Now modern science and new research are helping us to understand these connections. In this series, Bill Moyers talks with physicians, scientists, therapists, and patients - people who are taking a new look at the meaning of sickness and health. In these interviews he discusses their search for answers to perplexing questions: How do emotions translate into chemicals in our bodies? How to thoughts and feelings influence health? How can we collaborate with our bodies to encourage healing? "Healing and the Mind" is a documentary series destined to influence how millions think about sickness and health.
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