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Food Borne Illnesses

(cover not available)

Food Borne Illnesses

Most of us have suffered the symptoms of a food bourne illness at some time, but probably labeled it a "bug" or the "24-hour flu". This program takes an in-depth look at the practices that anyone who handles food should follow to prevent the spread of bacteria and to assure that the foods we eat are safe and enjoyable. Viewers investigate the cause, symptoms, and treatment of food bourn illnesses with emphasis placed on their prevention. Viewers learn to recognize the symptoms associated with food bourne illnesses such as Salmonella and E. Coli bacteria. They then learn about the illness, why they make people sick, how long an illness should be expected to last, safe and proper treatments, and when to pay a visit to the doctor's office.

20-4265 Length 35 min. Copyright 1995 $ 79.95

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