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Waves of the Future

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Waves of the Future

One of the most important new areas of investigation in astronomy is a phenomenon known as gravity waves, ripples in the fabric of time and space. This focuses on two friends and fellow scientists and their ongoing efforts to determine the "signature" of various types of gravity waves. Leonid Grishchuk, a leading gravity wave theorist from Moscow's Sternberg Astronomical Institute, and Caltech's Kip Thorne combine their efforts and ability to see with "telescopes of the mind", as Caltech builds a prototype laser "interferometer" to detect gravity waves. Also featured is the famous Cambridge theorist, Stephen Hawking.

17-4199 Length 56 min. Copyright 1997 $ 14.98

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This title is part of the following series:


This series explores the lives and work of scientists around th globe who are revolutionizing our knowledge of the universe. Narrated by Richard Chamberlain, this series goes to the farthest reaches of the universe in search of black holes, quasars, dark matter, gravity waves, stars and evidence of planets outside our solar system. These celestial phenomena are explored through the perspectives of the men and women all over the world whose jobs render them responsible for uncovering the secrets of the cosmos.
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