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Latter-day Saints: Beginnings

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Latter-day Saints: Beginnings

The early history of the Latter-day Saints is a saga of violent persecution and migration as Joseph Smith and the faithful searched for a place to practice their religion at peace. Long before Salt Lake City, the Mormons built Nauvoo ("beautiful city") on a bluff above the Mississippi River in Illinois. By 1840 Nauvoo was as large as Chicago and the spire of the Temple could be seen twenty miles away. Mob violence by outsiders and the murder of Joseph Smith finally forces the Latter-day Saints to move one more time- beyond the rocky mountains to a place of peace at last.

27-4241 Length 46 min. Copyright 1998 $ 29.95

Qty Product ID Format UPC Price
27-4241 VHS 743452027934 29.95
This title is part of the following series:


This beautiful, historical series explores America's rich tapestry of religious beliefs by visiting the places where those faiths took root and grew. Join "Landmarks of Faith" host Schuyler Sackett on an incredible journey to churches, synagogues, cathedrals and meeting sites across the country and discover how each place has made a significant contribution to our past and present. Relive the hardships and aspirations of the real men and women whose achievements made each place a landmark. Inspiring and fascinating, this lush series brings to life America's historic places of faith, where every brick tells a human story.
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27-4242 VHS California Missions 29.95
27-4246 VHS Catholic Maryland 29.95
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