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Sea HawksToday's fighting sea birds of the navy and their daily encounters with their adversaries, the Soviet fleet. Battle group commanders with a strike force second to none in today's air navy. Includes: 1) The Cutting Edge: The S3 Viking, a sea bird that can strap on missiles, bombs and homing torpedoes. With onboard computers and infra-red sensors, it locks onto Red subs and never lets go. 2) Orion-Guardian of the Seas: Able to range out for 14 hour and patrol thousands of miles, the P3C Orion scrambles fleet attack fighters to pin-point the enemy. Like the Viking she can haul a big bag of weapons plus six tons of mines. 3) The Marine Machine: A VTOL Brute, the AV-8B Harrier can hustle five tons of "stuff" including laser-guided missiles, bombs, and a 25mm high velocity gatling gun.
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