Navigation From A to Z
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Navigation From A to Z
John & Martha King give you the information you need to understand and get the most out of your navigation equipment. They'll start by explaining how the skills and techniques used by the earliest pilots, like pilotage, dead reckoning, and determining lines of position, are valuable to you even if you have the most modern equipment installed in your aircraft. You'll discover things you never knew before about the old standby VORs, NDBs, and LORAN. Then they go beyond to fully explore the world of GPS, HSIs, RMIs, EFIS, and flight management systems. You'll know what types of equipment send you on a "rhumb line" versus a "great circle route", and why it is important to know which you are using. You'll learn what the advantages and limitations of GPS are. Most important of all, you'll be ready to take full advantage of the opportunities that panel-mounted GPS and moving map displays will offer in the near future.
Length 110 min.
$ 29.00
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