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Naval Air PowerFour-part video series, includes: 1) Wings of Eagles, Wings of Gold: The evolution of naval aviation from its first days on the decks of the U.S.S. Langley to WW II, through Korea and Vietnam-nerve-shattering action including carriers in combat. 2) Down to the Wire: Five naval aviation cadets prepare as carrier pilots. Unusual insight into the flying techniques which train and qualify them to touch down on 10 feet of deck space. 3) Flight to the South Pole; Our naval airmen in a peacetime conquest of the pole, where cold runs at 100 degrees below zero, and a day lasts six months. You land atop solid ice at 9,000 feet above sea level. A contrast of rare footage of the original Byrd expedition with current flight operations. Includes U.S. Naval Fighters (1922-1980's), by Lloyd S. Jones, a full 352 pages of Navy and Marine Corps fighters with exciting photos.
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