No matter how capable or well educated your horse may be, both his happiness and any long-term success are dependent on his being correctly ridden. In this tape Captain Phillips explains the forward jumping seat and how to maintain perfect harmony and control over the horse when jumping. The rider's position and application of the aids are dealt with in great detail stage by stage, including the line, the turn, the approach, the take-off, through the air, the landing and getaway. Also included are a number of exercises designed to enable the rider to develop an "eye for stride" thus ensuring his horse meets every jump at the correct point of take-off.
Length 30 min.
$ 69.95
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Captain Mark Phillips, is a British Gold Medal Olympian and four-time winner of the prestigious Badminton Horse trails and husband of Princess Anne. Each cassette is handsomely packaged and professionally produced, teaching the viewer step-by-step how to prepare a horse in basic flatwork no matter where its future lies. This essential groundwork equips a horse to go on to showjumping, eventing, dressage, polo, or, for the rider, to experience the sheer pleasure Captain Phillips experiences riding a well-prepared horse. Each tape is accompanied by a glossary of terms for handy reference and study and is designed to be used as a long-term study video manual, preparing the student to judge personal progress in correct body movement and technique.